outdoor experiences: learning opportunities
In the last decades, in Portugal, outdoor spaces are becoming less significant in children’s lives (Neto, 2005). However, we know that playing outdoors facilitates the development of motor, social, cognitive and emotional skills, which are fundamental for adult life (Bento, 2015). To ensure that children have the possibility of living adventures and challenges outdoor (without being led by adults), is an international concern. In this sense, it is urgent to develop intervention and training projects in real context that, based on the needs identified by the main actors, can serve as a means of sustaining and diffusing behavioral change.
Bento, G. (2015) . Infância e espaços exteriores – perspetivas sociais e educativas na atualidade. Investigar em Educação – Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação, nº4, 127- 140.
Neto, C. (2005). A mobilidade do corpo na infância e desenvolvimento urbano: um paradoxo da sociedade moderna. In D. Rodrigues & C. Neto, O corpo que (des)conhecemos (pp.15-30). Lisboa: Edições FMH.
first week: 7th to 13th October
second week: 14th to 20th October
The program includes:
– accommodation in twin rooms in a local hostel
– pick up upon arrival to Leiria (you should get from the Lisbon or Oporto airport to Leiria for your own)
– welcome meal, international party and goodbye party
– local transport
– visit and trips as presented in the program
– all needed workshop materials
– organisational costs
total price is: €790
[The cost will be (party or completely) covered by Erasmus+ grant. Please check the amount of the grant in your country.]
In this module you will know Leiria from an outdoor perspective. Through an multicultural discover you will explore your body, feel the nature, live adventures and overcome challenges.
You will:
– observe Leiria´s outdoors educational potential;
– know different kindergartens;
– plan outdoor practical activities;
– set up your own assessment;
– reflect on the different experiences;
– have cultural activities;
– participate in 4 workshops;
– have 6 excursions.
about the school
– what makes you run?
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ_t5pf6Des
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvOXCEk7_sg
about the city
– Did you know that Leiria is the city where the Street Play movement is starting (in Portugal)? The project is called “Brincar de Rua” and it’s main goal is to give children the opportunity to play freely on their neighborhood streets, safely
– in Leiria it was found a very peculiar skeleton of a child, around 24500 years old. Creepy, you may think! The skeleton is not there now, but the archaeological site represents a very important scientific step towards the understanding of human evolution, since this child showed characteristics both of Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens.
– Leiria has one of the most beautiful castles in the country. It has been there since the XII century – with some style alterations throughout the years – and it’s known to have one of the highest wedding proposals rates in the whole country.
– know a little more about our lovely city: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=12&v=radWPj01rcg
– inspire you to know more about the city in your free time: https://www.visiteleiria.pt/en/home/

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