resilience - how to make children strong
Resilience is an individual’s ability to adapt to life tasks successfully despite social disadvantages or other highly adverse conditions. Children might face in their childhood burdens like f. e. growing up in poverty, experiences with acts of violence, divorce of the parents, single parent families, bullying and exclusion, loss of a close person or frequent school changes. How can educators support resilience for children at the age of 0 till 10? The following measures can support resilience: relaxation training, experience in nature and in self-awareness, telling fairy tales or stories, interpretation of picture books and offering different role plays. Aims of the resilience training are the seven pillars of resilience. Children should be able to show optimism, self-efficiency, accept responsibility, regulate emotions, find strong relationships, focus on and find solutions and focus on the future. In our two week module we will not only give children a training for resilience, but also the future educators. Beside the regular programm we offer lots of activities to get to know the region of the Bavarian mountains and its lakes.
Students will:
– communicate actively in the team and learn how to participate in common goals
– develop friendships
– strengthen and enhance their team spirit through physical exercises/workout/walking in the mountains/paddling on the lake Chiemsee or on the river Alz
– experience animal-assisted therapy (e.g. horses/ alpacas)
– learn about the Bavarian school system
– gain insight into the practical work educators do in Germany through visits to special social institutions as well as to a forest Kindergarten
– gain theoretical background on child development especially on bonding
Methodology of learning experience is divided into the settings:
a. in the classroom: role play, group work, presentations, discussions, excursions;
b. outside the classroom: encountering and facing nature; special exercises to strengthen children as well as educators
first week: 7th to 13th October
second week: 14th to 20th October
The program includes:
– accommodation in an apartment (with three to four students) in Traunstein
– pick up at Traunstein’s train station
– welcome meal
– local transport
– visit and trips as presented in the program
– all needed workshop materials
– organisational costs
total price is: €840
[The cost will be (party or completely) covered by Erasmus+ grant. Please check the amount of the grant in your country.]
Where are the classes?
In the first week at the Technical College for Higer Education (FOS-BOS Traunstein); at the second week at the State Academy for Educators. Each week on Thursday and Friday at one’s choice students will job shadow at one social institution in Traunstein.
Where do you get accommodation?
In apartments for three to four students/ self-catering in Traunstein in walking distance to the two schools.
Other important notes:
Please bring with you: children books about emotions from your country (stories, legends, informative books, psychology books, etc…), sport shoes, waterproof walking shoes and rainy weather clothing.
School and module
– two schools from Traunstein cooperate within this project. There is a lot to discover about the different ways of education and student’s population who attend these schools
– the FOS-BOS Traunstein was one of the first schools in the region to promote internships abroad
– the State Academy for Educators was founded in 2017 and the first class of students was from the very beginning involved in the EYE project
– the module reflects the live setting of Bavarian people (outdoor activities; sports, beer, cooking and socializing)
a. at school: sport activities/workout together with German students; craft work, art activities, cooking of German and European food;
b. at the city: toy museum; brewery museum; visit to the beer gardens; getting to know the Bavarian culture, going out in the evenings to discos and pubs with German students;
c. in the region: visiting castles of Ludwig II; excursions to the mountains, rivers and lakes
– is amazingly located between Lake Chiemsee (often called “the Bavarian Sea”) and the mountain range Chiemgau Alps
– Pope Benedict XVI studied at the city and enrolled there in a seminary
– on Easter Monday one the biggest Horses pilgrimages in Bavaria is held in Traunstein “Georgirrit” in honour of St. George
– is home to the Hofbräuhaus Traunstein – – the first brewery in the world to have wheat beer on tap

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