The EYE project, as you may have noticed, is a consortium of twelve partners and here you can find brief information about each one.
If you click on the square on the left top of the map you can see the contacts and the location of each partner. If you want to know more information about each one you can check the website of each one (some may be in the native language of the country, if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact them!).

Technical College for Higher Education "FOSBOS Traunstein"
Awards different A-level with a focus on technology, economy and administration, social science or health. The training of the Fachoberschule (FOS) (“technical” or “special-training school”), builds on a middle school degree (O- level) and provides a general acadamic, theoretical and practical training. It includes grades 11, 12 and 13; in grade 11 a mandatory internship is part of the curricula. The practical training of 20 weeks is an essential feature of the highly practice-related educational mission of the FOS in grade 11. It provides a technical, social, economic or health basic education which prepares the students for the next stage of education at the university of applied sciences. Students who pass grade 12 are awarded an Entrance Qualification for Universities of Applied Sciences. If they continue they receive after passing grade 13 a General Higher Educational Entrance Qualification. This enables them to attend university.

State Academy for Educators Traunstein
A visit to the Academy should enable students to work independently at nursery school nurseries, kindergartens, hoards, homes, youth work facilities, and other social education departments. The job title "Educator approved by the state" is awarded. An additional exam quailifies to enter the university of applied sciences (A-level: Subject-Specific Higher Education Entrance Qualification for universities for applied sciences).The training lasts three years in full-time form. It is divided into a pre-dominantly theoretical training of two years of full-time education at the state academy for educators and a subsequent professional internship of 12 months. Requirements for admission: Middle School graduation (O-level) plus a completed vocational training in a socio-educational, educational, social care, nursing or rehabilitative profession with a regular training period of at least two years.

Berlin-Kultur e.V. is an association founded in 2015 by cultural workers and people particularly interested in cultural projects. Nevertheless, Berlin-Kultur started as an informal group for over a decade, aiming to facilitate networking of cultural workers in the city, the exchange of ideas and best practices and the development of joint projects. Furthermore, Berlin-Kultur functioned as a collective of people who ensured they were fully engaged in debates about the sector so they have a say in local cultural policies. The partners of Berlin-Kultur have always been VET schools in Berlin specialized in arts education, like graphic design, media design, business administration for digital media and many other skilled occupations such as plasterer, carpenter or hairdresser. Berlin-Kultur represents also SME’s of the creative industry and artisans who train to become craftsmen and who have passed through the career chain from apprentice to master craftsman. The connection of Berlin-Kultur with the early years education started thanks to cooperations with local VET schools and nursery schools aiming to develop creative projects with children. Motivated by the success of these projects and enthusiasm of the VET students, Berlin-Kultur organizes work placements and further trainings across Europe also for this education field.

De Plannenmakers
De Plannenmakers is a international working organization in Leeuwarden the Capital of Fryslân.
Fryslân is a province in the north of The Netherlands with Tourism as one of the main businesses. Next to that Agriculture, Diary and Farming are the economic carriers of the economy. The main focus of De Plannenmakers is to promote Leeuwarden as a city for international cooperation, active in European projects for more than 10 years. Sharing the Dutch way of working on guiding entrepreneurs, dealing with debt and other social issues. Hosting students from all over Europe is the other main focus of De Plannenmakers. Students from Germany, Spain, Italy, UK and France have done their internship in Leeuwarden and fell in love with the city and the Dutch way of working. Education, Healthcare, Construction, Catering, Tourism, Sports and ICT positions are in general available for foreign students. Since most Dutch speak English or German the communication is not a problem. Relations to the Vocational Schools Friesland College, Nordwin and Friese Poort make it possible also to visit schools to see how the educational system is working.

Friesland College
Friesland College is a Regional Training Centre (ROC) for secondary vocational education (VET) and adult education. Every year about 10,000 students follow a course: 8000 follow a VET course which lasts three to four years, and 2000 follow short-term courses which can last from six months to one year. Friesland College is an open educational institution with respect for all religions and cultures in society. Friesland College is involved with and listens to its students; has a passion for teaching and is innovative. Students can choose from a wide variety of courses, job opportunities, facilities and activities at Friesland College. These are provided throughout the province of Friesland by a small teaching and support staff of 1000 persons. They are active in several locations, the largest two being located in Leeuwarden and Heerenveen which are in Friesland, the north of The Netherlands. Sharing knowledge with industry and other educational institutions, regionally, nationally and internationally, is also very important to Friesland College. For education to be effective courses and programmes need to offer students opportunities to learn, to gain knowledge and to combine knowledge and skills by applying these in practice and to develop the necessary attitudes to function effectively in society and in the work place.

Foyle International
Foyle International, established in 1990, is a language school and vocational education and training provider based in the beautiful and historic city of Derry, North West Ireland. As the longest established language school in Northern Ireland, and the first to receive the prestigious British Council Accreditation and we pride ourselves on providing quality courses and an excellent, friendly service. We specialize in providing quality and innovative language teaching, social & activity programmes, summer school and vocational training. Foyle International has been involved in VET mobility programmes since 1995 as both a sending and receiving organisation. In more recent years we have been at the forefront of improving quality and quantity in our mobilities by being involved in Leonardo Partnerships & TOIs/Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships and have played a lead role in researching, experimenting and implementing Credit transfers (ECVET) within mobilities on a number of different projects. To date we have worked on 4 projects which covered ECVET in a range of vocational areas and most recently completed a 5th project (VET towards ECVET). We have developed excellent relationships with the 2 Northern Ireland/UK ECVET Experts and our European Manager has been invited to sit on the UK ECVET Experts Practitioners Network. One of our projects, Mobility Excellence, actually features as a case study on the UK ECVET Experts website. We receive between 500-600 beneficiaries per year from across Europe and we have a huge network of employers throughout Northern Ireland that host our beneficiaries in different vocational sectors. Foyle International works very closely in conjunction with the North West Regional College (NWRC) in delivering programmes and working on projects and as we are a recognised as an accredited vocational education and training provider offering courses from Pearsons (Edexcel) and OCNNI we have access to additional support and resources regarding qualifications, learning outcomes, assessment and assessment criteria. We are constantly involving employers in Erasmus programmes and they are now becoming more active in raising the quality of the placements and understanding the importance of Mobility of young people in Europe and the benefits which it can bring to the local community financially and culturally.

North West Regional College
North West Regional College is a leading provider of education and skills training within Northern Ireland (NI) and has been at the forefront of growth and development within education and training in the North West for over 100 years. The College’s three main campuses in Derry~Londonderry, Limavady, and Strabane boast modern and industry-standard learning environments. The College had over 17,000 full-time and part-time enrolments across its three Campuses in the 2016/17 academic year. There are over 750 teaching and non-teaching staff employed by the College. Courses are provided from entry level to HE levels and there are four schools covering the following curriculum areas: Business, Hospitality, Tourism and Performing Arts; Training and Skills; Health & Sport; and, Science, Technology and Creative Industry. The Early Years team sits within the Department of Training and Skills and offers students the opportunity to study Early Years courses from level 1 to level 6 and in different modes of delivery across the three campuses. The Early Years team come from a wealth of professions within the sector including primary school teachesr, crèche managers, classroom assistants, psychology specialists, playworkers, youth works, paediatric nurses and midwifes. This allows students to learn from those with industry and specialised training. Our Early Years Team are passionate and enthusiastic about providing quality training for our students but most importantly improving children’s early education experiences.

Ludotempo - associação de promoção do Brincar, is a non-profit association created in October 2015 by a group of professionals related to education and health,who share in common the knowledge of the power of play and play in the construction and transformation of people and communities. Ludotempo was created with the aim of being a meeting point for innovative projects and good practices, a project that generates initiatives capable of connecting people, cultures and generations through play. In 2012 a large part of the founding group of this association launched an initiative unprecedented in Portugal, the 1st Play Seminar in Portugal, which was, in a way, the first stone of this house that we want to build in a solid and sustained way in the needs of our communities. We play, we discover, we find (objects and people), we question, we solve, we construct, we err, we rebuild, we learn ... always with smiles!

Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
The Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL), is a public higher education institution in Portugal, in service to society, destined to produce and diffuse knowledge, create, transmit and diffuse culture, science, technology and arts, guided research and experimental development. It promotes the effective mobility of students and graduates, both nationally and internationally, namely in the European higher education space, in the community of Portuguese-speaking countries and Macau. The IPL participates in society-related activities, namely of diffusion and transfer of knowledge, as well as the economic valuation of the scientific knowledge. The School of Education and Social Sciences (ESECS) is one of the five schools of Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL). The ESECS is an institution of higher education whose initial array is linked to teachers’ training. Thus, in the area of education, and in the framework of the present project, the School offers Higher Professional Courses (Higher Professional technical course of intervention in educational spaces), Undergraduate courses (degree in Basic Education) and master degrees in teacher training, enabling teaching (master's degree in pre-school education and master's degree in early childhood education and teaching the 1st Cycle of Basic – Primary - Education). The school has around two thousand students, with 5 Professional technical courses, 8 undergraduate courses and 14 master courses, in the areas of Education, Social Sciences and Humanities.

Zavod za Novodobno Izobrazevanje
ZNI’s core activity are mobility projects for students, unemployed persons and for businesses – as support to help them develop their human resources. ZNI has extensive experience in the development and implementation of various international mobility projects and exchanges. Within the framework of Lifelong Learning Programme and now Erasmus+, we have organised work placements abroad for Slovenian citizens, and work placements in businesses across Slovenia for international candidates. The main objective of these programmes is for the participants to acquire work experience abroad in an international and multicultural environment. The participants also benefit from our unique and innovative approach to preparations, consisting of cross-cultural, personal, language and professional training. This in turn ensures that maximum results are achieved through the implementation of projects for all parties involved. Additional activities we carry out as part of such (mobility) projects are making arrangements for accommodation, offering support to the participants, and evaluating and mentoring them. In all these projects we cooperate with international partners and local businesses. In the field of Elderly Years Education we are cooperating with Municipality of Maribor and 6 public kindergartens. We are sending their kindergarten teachers on mobility abroad and at the same time they are hosting foreign students on work placements in their organisations.

Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru
Faculty of Education University of Maribor is the second largest Faculty of Education in Slovenia. In Maribor, cultural and university centre of Styria region, we offer university education in three study programmes at first bologna level, two higher education programmes, five master study programmes at second bologna level and two PhD programmes. Study process is very student centred, professors really dedicate their time to student's needs. We have many support services to make the whole process of studying student friendly. There's a lot of opportunities for different student activities. During the study process students acquire the best knowledge and are very well prepared for the demands of their profession. In study programme Preschool education, we offer a lot of practical work activities and practical learning. Students produce theatre and puppets performances. Didactics of art education, sport activities and other special didactics are especially promoted. After three years of study students acquire the professional the title: preschool education teacher. Study of preschool education can be continued on the second bologna level and students can become master professors of preschool education.

Stage Within European Programmes
Step is an education consultancy based in Seville, backed up by a highly qualified professional team. Our work is focused on the initiatives generally suggested by the European commission: Work Placement in Spain and in the EU in the framework of Erasmus plus education, training and employment and disadvantaged groups. We have been working in the past under the frame of Leonardo Da Vinci projects and now with Erasmus+ (Key Action 1 and Key Action 2) dealing with mobility projects, as a hosting and sending Institution, cooperating with local partners and creating an international network to improve the quality of all our mobility actions since 2004. We have taken part in many projects in the last years, and it has given us a very valuable experience having a wide contact net with public and private educational Institutions, government authorities and companies in our region, which gives a high quality to all our mobility actions.

Centro de FP ERGOS - CEPA S.C.A.
ERGOS FP is an educative organization which comes from bringing together two experienced cooperative companies focused in educative proposals: CEPA, and EIPO. Innovation in educational methods, assessment and inclusion have always been a major part in the identity of this companies. ERGOS was born as an innovative and inclusive way to approach vocational training to everyone, and it is a vocational training school which is evolving and growing year after year, obtaining high rates of satisfaction among students, families, companies and educational staff. Most of the teachers involved in vocational training in ERGOS are also professionals in the education field, mostly attending special needs. Not only are they teachers, but also psychologists, educators, pedagogues… who have attended many children with special needs, giving them more chances to reach their maximum development in education and to face life with more guarantees. In ERGOS we are focused in getting a real education, which, in our opinion, starts with a correct emotional training. In our educational modules teachers are interested in the connection with students, in a complete education which not only attends to learning from the books, but also, learning from the people. To make the learning process more significant, we are under the service-learning educational paradigm, which is aimed to find real needs in the closer social environment, then the students develope real interventions to improve the reality, applying the contents of their educational curricula. It is an innovative way to approach students to real professional experience, increasing their motivation, emotional intelligence and social skills.

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